Blog Archive

Friday, November 28, 2014

What difference does virginity make?

If virginity is equivalent to or indicates purity - then it would follow that intercourse is, tarnishing? It is dirty? 

That is what we have always been made to feel, isn't it? Although, from a religious point of view - there is a distinction, i.e. intercourse within marriage is 'pure and holy'.

Still, within or outside marriage, it is of one and the same. It is essentially... intercourse.

I am not sure if I like men who can perceive intercourse as degrading and tarnishing - even for just a split second. I cannot live with the prospect that I can be tarnished and degraded. In fact, I think I am (very) repulsed by the idea of it.

To be brutally honest, deep down, I have this inkling feeling that that's how most men - or people in general perceive intercourse. Thanks to religion and pornography.

Am I the weird one out - am I being too much of an idealist? It's just that, that's not, and will never be how I ever want to look at intercourse, be it within or outside marriage.

So to me, virginity shouldn't matter. It should never be brought up. At all.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Split second of brilliant thought. 

If I buy a similar wheel-clamp, and clamp my car wheel myself - or better yet, buy 4 wheel-clamps, and clamp all four wheels - I actually could park my car anywhere and everywhere, and get away with it, couldn't I?